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Öğretim Üyesi (Üyeleri): Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Sinem Çevik *

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Yıl: 2023, Dönem: Güz
Ders Kitabı / Malzemesi / Önerilen Kaynaklar

Introduction to the thermodynamics of materials, Gaskell D.R.

Dersin İçeriği

Gases and thermodynamics first law 2. Van der waals Equation 3. Thermodynamics zeroth law 4. Reversible expansion 5. İrreversible expamsion and free expansion 6. State functions and their proofs 7. Adiabatic and diathermal concepts 8. İsothermal reversible expansion 9. Thermodynamics second law 10. Statistical definition of entropy and its formula 11. Carnot cycle Clausis Inequality 12. The relationship between Entropy and enthalpy 13. The calculation of total entropy change, the chemical potential formula of a pure substance 14. Gibbs ve Helmholtz energy formulas, Nernst heat theory

Dersin Amacı

1.Gases and thermodynamics first law 2. Van der waals Equation 3. Thermodynamics zeroth law 4. Reversible expansion 5. İrreversible expamsion and free expansion 6. State functions and their proofs 7. Adiabatic and diathermal concepts 8. İsothermal reversible expansion 9. Thermodynamics second law 10. Statistical definition of entropy and its formula 11. Carnot cycle Clausis Inequality 12. The relationship between Entropy and enthalpy 13. The calculation of total entropy change, the chemical potential formula of a pure substance 14. Gibbs ve Helmholtz energy formulas, Nernst heat theory

Haftalık Ders İçeriği

Hafta Teorik Uygulama Laboratuar Ders Notları
1 Gases and the first law of thermodynamics
2 Van der waals Equation
3 Zeroth law of thermodynamics
4 Reversible expansion, Irreversible expansion and Free Expansion events
5 State functions and proofs
6 Adiyabative diathermal concepts
7 Isothermic reversible expansion
8 Thermodynamics II. Law
9 Statistical definition of entropy and statistical formula of entropy
10 Carnot cycle
11 Clausis Inequality
12 Relationship between entropy and enthalpy
13 Total entropy change calculation
14 Chemical potential formula of a pure material, formulas of Gibbs and Helmholtz energies, Nernst heat theorem