Ders Kitabı / Malzemesi / Önerilen Kaynaklar
1) A. Liwo, Computational Methods to Study the Structure and Dynamics of Biomolecules and Biomolecular Processes, Springer, 2014.
2) A. Leach, “Molecular Modelling: Principles and Applications”, Prentice Hall, 2001.
3) “K. Varga, J.A. Driscoll, Computational Nanoscience: Applications for Molecules, Clusters, and Solids” Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Dersin İçeriği
Protein structure, dynamics, function. Network models and their statistical analysis. Atomic and coarse-scale modeling. Molecular dynamics simulation. Local relaxation in proteins. Protein structural screening, the Radial Distribution Function and Thermodynamic property relations. Modal Analysis. Perturbation-response analysis.
Dersin Amacı
To teach current problems encountered in biomolecular structures and network models and simulation techniques that are frequently used in these problems, in the context of structure-dynamics-function relationship