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Öğretim Üyesi (Üyeleri): Prof. Dr. Emrah Ekmekçi *

(*) Ders notu girebilmek için, bu alanda kendi isminiz yazıyor olmalı...

  • Bologna verilerinin girilmesi; adresinden,
    ÜBYS' de Öğretim Elemanları yetkisi seçilmeli... Öğretim elemanı danışmanlık işlemlerinden yapabilirsiniz...
Yıl: 2024, Dönem: Bahar
Ders Kitabı / Malzemesi / Önerilen Kaynaklar

-Gao, X. (Ed.). (2019). Second handbook of English language teaching. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. -Yaman, i., Ekmekçi, E. & Şenel, İ. (Eds.) (2016). Current Trends in ELT. Nüans Publishing -Hung-chun Wang & Cheryl Wei-yu Chen (2020) Learning English from YouTubers: English L2 learners’ self-regulated language learning on YouTube, Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 14:4, 333-346, DOI: 10.1080/17501229.2019.1607356 -Fan Su & Di Zou (2020) Technology-enhanced collaborative language learning: theoretical foundations, technologies, and implications, Computer Assisted Language Learning, DOI: 10.1080/09588221.2020.1831545 -Janet Ho (2020) Gamifying the flipped classroom: how to motivate Chinese ESL learners?, Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 14:5, 421-435, DOI: 10.1080/17501229.2019.1614185 -Yan Chen, Thomas J. Smith, Cindy S. York & Hayley J. Mayall (2020) Google Earth Virtual Reality and expository writing for young English Learners from a Funds of Knowledge perspective, Computer Assisted Language Learning, 33:1-2, 1-25, DOI: 10.1080/09588221.2018.1544151 -Emily Edwards & Anne Burns (2016) Action research to support teachers’ classroom materials development, Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 10:2, 106-120, DOI: 10.1080/17501229.2015.1090995 --Mohammed Abdullah Alharbi (2020) Exploring the potential of Google Doc in facilitating innovative teaching and learning practices in an EFL writing course, Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 14:3, 227-242, DOI: 10.1080/17501229.2019.1572157 Panagiotis Kosmas & Panayiotis Zaphiris (2020) Words in action: investigating students’ language acquisition and emotional performance through embodied learning, Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 14:4, 317-332, DOI: 10.1080/17501229.2019.1607355 -Bethan Hulse & Allan Owens (2019) Process drama as a tool for teaching modern languages: supporting the development of creativity and innovation in early professional practice, Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 13:1, 17-30, DOI: 10.1080/17501229.2017.1281928 -Elina Tergujeff, Mikko Kuronen & Maria Kautonen (2020) Kazoo training for L2 pronunciation practice and reduced foreign accentedness?, Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 14:3, 290-302, DOI: 10.1080/17501229.2019.1586908 -Aroline E. Seibert Hanson & Christina M. Brown (2020) Enhancing L2 learning through a mobile assisted spaced-repetition tool: an effective but bitter pill?, Computer Assisted Language Learning, 33:1-2, 133-155, DOI: 10.1080/09588221.2018.1552975 -Yufen Hsieh (2020) Effects of video captioning on EFL vocabulary learning and listening comprehension, Computer Assisted Language Learning, 33:5-6, 567-589, DOI: 10.1080/09588221.2019.1577898

Dersin İçeriği

İngiliz Dili Eğitimi'nin (ELT) dinamik ortamında, ortaya çıkan eğilimleri takip etmek eğitimciler, özellikle de bu alanda doktora yapanlar için çok önemlidir. Bu derste ELT'nin geleceğini şekillendiren en son gelişmelerden bazılarını incelenecek ve doktora düzeyinde derinlemesine inceleme ve araştırma için bir temel sağlanacaktır.

Dersin Amacı

Son 20 yıldır İngiliz dili eğitimi alanı büyük değişiklikler yaşamaktadır. Bu yüzden, bu ders İngiliz dili eğitimi alanında gerçekleşen değişikliklere odaklanacaktır. Bu çerçevede, öğretmenler, öğretme yaklaşımları, içerikleri, müfredat dizaynları ve değerlendirme yöntemleri gibi değişen rol ve konseptler tartışılacaktır.

Haftalık Ders İçeriği

Hafta Teorik Uygulama Laboratuar Ders Notları
1 Review of the Syllabus Introduction of the course outline
2 General Introduction to New Trends in Foreign Language Education
3 Mindfulness and Social-Emotional Teaching in ELT
4 Languaging, Translanguaging, and Translingual Pedagogy in ELT
5 Artificial Intelligence and ELT (A Game-changer in ELT: ChatGPT)
6 Positive Psychology in Second and Foreign Language Education
7 A Relevant Pedagogic Grammar for Today’s Classrooms
8 New Technology in ELT: Virtual Reality/ Augmented Reality/ Social Media
9 Classroom Interaction in ELT
10 Ara Sınav
11 Conversation Analysis Perspectives in ELT
12 Flipped Learning in ELT
13 Gamification in ELT
14 Codeswitching as a Teaching Strategy in ELT
15 Research Paper Presentations
16 Research Paper Presentations